Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nelson Mandela and South Africa's World Cup

With my streets and sidewalks absolutely battered by snow -- much like the rest of the East Coast -- it's tough as a soccer fan not to look a few months forward to June's historic World Cup finals in South Africa.

Today happens to be the 20th anniversary of Nelson Mandela's release from prison in South Africa -- a pivotal step in helping break apartheid rule in the country. There are celebrations being held throughout the nation.

Also noteworthy, though paling in comparison to his role in establishing a democratic South Africa, is Mandela's role in securing this summer's World Cup. On a day when South Africans remember Mandela's courageous leadership and wisdom, soccer fans worldwide should also commend his vision and hard work, as they look forward to a historic tournament for South Africa, the continent as a whole, and the sport itself.

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